The Church has
left the building.

Chi Alpha's mission is taken from Paul's writing in 2 Corinthians 5:20,
where we are called to be Christ's ambassadors, his "sent ones."

A Mass Exodus is Occurring...
Unfortunately, it’s true. A significant amount of research shows that about 70% of young adults who indicated they attended church regularly in high school do, in fact, drop out after graduation. Here is a link consolidating some of the most up-to-date research on this topic: Are young people really leaving christianity?
The Most Crucial Time in Life
Students are making decisions in college that will affect them for the rest of their lives. If they are not reached with the gospel during these years, most of them will never come to know the Lord. Statistically, 78% of people who begin a relationship with Jesus do so before the age of 21.*
Why Reach Students
To protect the investment that the Church has made in our youth. An education at a Bible or Christian College is a great choice for many students. However, a significantly higher number of Christian youth will attend a secular college or university. The Church invests too much time, money and prayer in its youth to not protect and empower that investment during the critical transitions from home to campus and from campus to the marketplace.
To connect with individuals who would not otherwise encounter a biblical message of Jesus Christ. A high percentage of those deciding to become followers of Christ though the efforts of students and staff in Chi Alpha have had no previous exposure to the gospel of Jesus or a Christian church.
To impact our world's most strategic and influential institution, the college and university campus. The social, scientific, and spiritual theories of today's campuses will become the accepted norm for tomorrow's grade schools, businesses and television programs. What America is and what it will become is directly related to what happens on its university campuses. As a nation's campuses go, so goes the future of the nation.
To reach the nearly 1 million international students studying in the United States. Historically, we see an increase in the blessing of God when we focus on reaching the peoples of the world. George Barna says international student ministry is an "opportunity of a lifetime." International students speak English, want to make American friends, and want to learn about our culture and our religion. These students are at our very doorstep.

What students are saying
Jennifer, a Chi Alpha student
“I knew from the moment the service began that evening that Chi Alpha was where I belonged. I joined a discipleship Core Group and God began to radically change my life. I gave up drinking and partying for good, and began living fully for Jesus.
Nate, a UW Oshkosh student
“Imagine belonging to a ministry where you met your future wife, you gained a deeper understanding of who God is, and you had access to an open door to missions all across the world. For me, that’s exactly what Chi Alpha did.”
Abby,a UW Oshkosh alumni
“I was nervous, worried and lonely as I moved in as a freshman. I used to put God’s power into a box, but my experiences in Chi Alpha showed me our God is so much greater than that! It gave me long lasting friendships, an opportunity to treat my everyday life as a mission field, and an unending amount of wisdom and discipleship from the missionaries who serve my campus.”